Jennifer and Andrew's Wedding

October 11th, 2021

I was approached by my good friend Brandon to help photograph a wedding for our mutual friend Jennifer. I was more than delighted to shoot it. Then he told me it would be out by Spray Lakes in Kananaskis and I was ecstatic to shoot it. We had so many ideas!


The intimate wedding was set out at the beautiful Mt. Engadine Lodge just south of Spray Lakes and Canmore on Highway 742. I would use the word highway loosely as there are times of the year you need an all-wheel-drive or 4x4 vehicle to safely navigate this road. Driving a 4x4 truck, I had zero issues getting there. This lodge is a very intimate, low-key lodge with no cell service, on purpose. Its purpose is to get you away from the hustle and bustle of the city and into calm, relaxing nature. They do, however, have WiFi out there; which their password tells you to get out and explore nature. A small tidbit that I thoroughly enjoyed. They've got a few rooms in the actual lodge, but the interesting element that I loved was that they also had some camp-style A-frame "tents" and they also had cabins away from the main lodge. This was my kind of place, for sure! You don't need to pack food or camping supplies though, as they deliver food directly to your room, cabin, or tent every morning and every evening and include a packed picnic-style lunch to take with you, exploring. So, you should definitely check this out if you're looking to get out and do some exploring not too far from Calgary or Canmore and still away from all the busyness. It was a little smoky from the nearby fires in British Columbia, which would actually help give us some beautiful golden hour type light that was well diffused, later on.


The ceremony was small, beautiful, and intimate. Only the couple, parents from both sides, the JP, videographer, and myself, photographing. It was set out on the rear balcony overlooking the valley in the background and looked absolutely stunning. We live-streamed the entire ceremony to their families all over the world and it was well-received! Below are photos from the ceremony and portrait session afterward.